Maya Scripts
Go to my Github page for latest scripts.
PanZoom Helper

This scripts helps users to zoom and navigate in maya’s camera Pan/Zoom Tool.
User can set a step value for Zoom and Pan. Using the SHIFT key the step value is divided by 2 for smaller moves.
Save Timer

Auto Spring Tool

Maya auto spring tool script. Based on Luismi Herrera’s LMspring.
Rewritten using Qt and python3 with better perferomances in bake process. A preset system has been added, see the presets section
FFmpeg Seq. Encoder

A super minimalistic ffmpeg encoder I made to quickly encode .exr image sequences into light and easy to play .x264 movie file. It works as standalone app or directly inside maya.
Remote Paint Helper

Currently called TV Paint Helper for “Team Viewer Paint Helper”.
This script is a workaround for maya artists working with Team Viewer. As Team Viewer doesn’t send key pressed infos other than modifiers keys, users cannot use some maya paint shortcuts. Using this script users can increase/decrease paint brush values or soft selection radius value.
Using the shift key, user can set the button value as step value.
You can easily customize the default values by changing them in the presets.
Skin Paint Helper

This tool aim to help in the skinning process, it kinda similar to the tools you can find in 3ds Max.
Using buttons, user can immediately set the paint value. Avoiding the pain of setting it by hand with the keyboard or the slider.